What to consider when selecting couplings

March 12, 2025


Sitex couplings, Sitex st couplings, Sitex fl couplings, Sit couplings, Trasco es zero backlash couplings, when it comes to couplings, the list goes on and on. So how do you select the right one for your application?

Fortunately, selecting the right coupling is not that difficult, particularly when some prior research has been carried out.

Take a look at the following points to consider when selecting couplings.

As Coupling Answers writes, there are essentially five elements to consider when choosing a coupling:

.               The keyway and shaft sizes

.               The horsepower of the motor

.               The RMP at the point of the coupling

.               The shaft separation

.               What driven equipment is being used

As well as these points, several application factors need to also be considered when selecting a coupling for a given application. These factors are:

.               The exposure of chemicals

.               The temperature the machinery will be operating in

.               The run cycle – whether it’s start/stop or continuous

.               How much space there is available for the coupling

.               The requirements of misalignment handling – parallel, axial or angular

Engineer Live notes, when choosing the right shaft coupling for the correct application, you should be aware that shaft couplings are grouped into three different types – flexible, high-precision and sliding/pivoting.

Flexible couplings

Flexible couplings are a multi-beam type coupling, which is typically made from aluminium or stainless steel and comprises of a multi-start helical cut. A flexible coupling is one of the most popular multi-purpose couplings, which can accommodate any combination of angular misalignment, axial motion and radial misalignment.

High-precision couplings

High-precision couplings are rigid couplings which are clamped to two side shafts via a split cylindrical body. As well as being readily adjusted, high-precision couplings are robust, simple and easy to install.

Sliding/pivoting couplings

In a situation when angular misalignment is fairly small but radial misalignment is relatively big, Engineer Live recommends a sliding and pivoting coupling known as the Oldham type. The Oldham type transmits torque from one hub to another through a central disc, which is capable of sliding radially relative to the hubs.

When selecting a coupling, whether it’s a Tschan tormax coupling, Steelflex grid couplings or Dinal couplings, or just about any other type of coupling, you should always be aware of the three different groups of couplings there are, the various elements which need considering, as well as the application factors.

If you need some assistance locating the right coupling for your application, get in contact with YB Components. From large rigid couplings to small flexible couplings, YB Components will have the right coupling for you.