Repair or replace industrial parts: Which makes more sense?

March 12, 2025


Your Sirem pump has failed, your Spaggiara worm gearbox has finally picked up, your Zurrer gearbox has given up the goose. What do you do, attempt to get these essential parts repaired or simply buy new ones?

As we explored in our blog about industrial gearbox repair versus gearbox replacement, there are pros and cons to both repairing industrial parts and merely replacing them.

One thing is for sure, when a vital industrial part does fail, it can cost companies dearly in terms of downtime. It is therefore within every operator’s interest to have components in full working condition as soon as possible.

Age and overall condition of the part

Naturally when deciding on whether to replace a part or repair it, common sense should come into play and the overall age and condition of the parts should be considered. As Applied Materials writes:

“The decision to repair or replace a part often comes down to a few factors: the age and overall condition of the part, replacement part availability, and of course, cost.”

Applied Materials goes on to advise that if the component is consumable or low cost, it’s an easy decision to replace it. However, if the part is expensive, buying an entirely new part might be too costly and a repair or refurbishment is likely to be the most economically-viable solution.

Selecting a quality repair service provider

If you have determined it makes more sense to get an industrial component repaired rather than replaced, you will need to find a reliable repair service provider. As Applied Materials states:

“Once you’ve decided to repair rather than replace a part, it’s obviously important to select a repair service provider who is experienced and delivers consistently high quality service at a competitive price. You want the part to perform to new-part standards with a price that represents a good savings over new-part pricing.”

Gearbox repair service with YB Components

If you’ve got a Zurrer gearbox, a Sumitomo gearbox, a Spaggiari gearbox, a Parallel shaft gearbox, or any other type of industrial gearbox that needs repairing, UK costumers can benefit from YB Component’s quality and competitively-priced repair services.

All of our repairs are carried out under strict control and if new gears are required they are sourced from the original gearbox manufacturer, if they are still available. Bearings and seals are replaced as a matter of course.

All the repairs carried out by YB Components come with a full 12 month warranty, giving you peace of mind that your essential industrial part will be covered for the next year.

Furthermore, if the repair cannot be conducted in an economical way, our expert team is dedicated to saving our customers time and money and will advise you of an alternative solutions.

For industrial parts repair solutions get in touch with YB Components.