Obscure Machine Components

March 13, 2025


There are so many parts and components available through YB Components that can be shipped around the UK, Europe and the rest of the world, that it is easy for some of the more obscure machine parts to get overlooked when looking for products to feature in the blog.

We will partly address the issue here by focusing on a handful of the more obscure products that are not as frequently requested as the likes of gearboxes, couplings and belt drives.

Pulley for Heidelberg Printing Machines

The global printing industry wouldn’t be the same without Heidelberg who have designed and innovated so many high quality printing press solutions. Despite the digitalisation of the industry on the whole, there are still many companies and organisations around the world that rely on their older printing press models. This is why YB Components make the pulley for Heidelberg printing machines available to be shipped all over the world.

Heidelberg may well continue to evolve printing press technology in this ever more digital age, but the replacement parts their trusty older machines require will continue to be available for quite some time yet.

CKD Actuators, Motors and Index Motors

Formerly known as the Japanese Aircraft Electric Company, CKD Pneumatic Components are automation technology pioneers, manufacturing some of the best motor-incorprated and motor-less actuators. They have designed multiple linear electric motor-integrated actuators which feature a wide range of horizontal load capacities and ballscrew and belt drive system options. The available motor capacities are also wide ranging with some as low as 50W and others reaching as much as 750W.

The CKD motor-less actuators feature multiple designs, with perhaps the most popular featuring a double axial motion with just a single motor and a maximum stroke of 20m. There are also multi-point positioning options to choose from and gentle start and stop mechanisms which make these CKD motor-less actuators ideal for so many different kinds of applications.

Manifold Heinz Indexing

Manifold Heinz Indexing design and manufacture high quality indexing products for the automation, assembly and motion control industries. Nowadays, the company is part of a larger conglomerate that maintains supply of all the original Manifold Industries products.

One of their most popular parts is the Globoidal Mk2 Indexer which features a rigid design where the input and output shafts both come with a right-angled configuration. They also innovated a ‘self lock’ mechanism for the dwell or pausing position to make the operation of the machinery extra safe and energy efficient.

Other indexing products designed and manufactured by Manifold Heinz Indexing include the Parallel Shaft Mk3 Conjugate Cam Indexer and the Cylindrical Mk1 and the Globoidal (SX) indexing tables, the latter of which is remarkable for its ability to handle large masses moving at high speeds.

If you require any parts mentioned in the above article such as the pulley for Heidelberg Printing Machines, CKD actuators or any Manifold Heinz Indexing products – then contact YB Components who are the UK’s leading machine parts suppliers.