Zimmer Brakes and Zimmer Clamps

March 14, 2025


The Zimmer Group that are behind the Zimmer brakes and Zimmer clamping technologies are able to produce such high quality products thanks to the large development team they employ in their state of the art offices and workshops. They have that German knack for precise technology creation, as well as what they describe as an ‘insatiable curiosity and pioneering spirit’ that they firmly believe is the key to the company’s incredible rise to global renown over the past few decades.


Today, the Zimmer Group employs over 900 people to help design and develop as well as manufacture their products. They have been experiencing double digit growth for several years now and boast an annual turnover of significantly more than €130 million. For a business that started out life in a converted cowshed, that’s not bad going.


A Brief History of the Zimmer Group


The adventure began approximately 37 years ago when the original business was founded by the Zimmer brothers Gunther and Martin in the borough of Freistett in south-western Germany, due west from Stuttgart near the border with France. Gunther Zimmer has said of their beginnings that, “Back then, we started like many dedicated founders before us: as a company working out of a garage. Albeit with the small difference that our garage was a converted cowshed. That’s where we first worked out and manufactured our first products in 1980.”


Those early products primarily involved automation and handling technology, though they soon became known for developing and manufacturing highly complex components and a variety of system solutions for prestigious OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers).


Through the years they would keep expanding while also incorporating other suitable companies, most notably the Sommer-Automatic firm who were the leading manufacturers of pneumatic and electric handling components and systems. Eventually the company would streamline its focus, leading to the successful merger of several technological behemoths into the one single corporation under the banner of the Zimmer Group. They then focused on all types of products essential for the fields of handling technology and linear technology, as well as industrial and soft-close damping technology. The damping technology developed by the Zimmer Group was the subject of a recent article posted in the YB Components’ blog, so we will switch the focus here to the Zimmer brakes and Zimmer clamping products.


Zimmer Clamping and Braking Technology


The Zimmer Group has amassed over two decades of development and market experience in the braking and clamping sector, producing more than 4,000 products in that time. Zimmer brakes and the other Zimmer clamping products are designed to routinely perform critical positioning tasks, as well as the standard braking and holding functions.


The Zimmer brakes are designed to ensure extreme precision during the likes of cutting processes while helping boost efficiency by enabling short cycle times. The Zimmer clamping products are simple enough to describe, but it’s worth underlining the fact that their pioneering designs produce a secure hold that maximizes safety and protects the machines that they are being used with, ultimately boosting the company’s bottom line by minimising wear and tear, down time and repairs.


If you require any of the Zimmer Group products such as Zimmer clamping components or the Zimmer brakes, then contact YB Components who are the UK’s leading Zimmer suppliers and who can ship these high quality components all over the world.