Spaggiari Gearboxes

March 12, 2025


Spaggiari Trasmissioni was acquired by the Motovario Corporation back in 1999, and they have since spent the best part of the first two decades of the new millennium designing and manufacturing some of the highest quality gearboxes and gear reducers on the market. Below we take a closer look at just a few of the products available through Spaggiari suppliers like YB Components.

Spaggiari Parallel Shaft Gearboxes – PBH Series

The Spaggiari bevel helical gear reducers are designed for use with heavy machinery. They are made out of cast iron to be robust with only minimum maintenance requirements, and their installation and application is easy thanks to the modern design concept.

The Motovario PBH series (as they are also known) of gearboxes for use in heavy industry applications consist of a range of parallel shaft geared motors and bevel helical Spaggiari gearboxes, with some models featuring up to four reduction stages. These are incorporated as standard with the four-stage Spaggiari parallel shaft gearboxes purposefully designed to ensure maximum reliability even in extremely demanding conditions.

All of the gear reducers in Spaggiari’s PBH series boast the characteristics of high quality parallel shaft and bevel helical geared motors such as the aforementioned robustness, along with high efficiency, compactness and reliability.

Spaggiari Shaft-Mounted Gear Reducers – S Series

The cast iron gear reducers of the S series are mounted on shafts and thus they are particularly applicable to machinery using conveyors or augers. But while especially useful for such applications, these Spaggiari geared motor units are also well suited to a wide variety of other industrial applications too.

The shaft-mounted S series gear reducer is available in a variety of sizes and there is a generous range of reduction ratios also available to ensure you can achieve the  maximum efficiency under all potential operating conditions.

Spaggiari Helical Bevel Gear Reducers – B Series

The Spaggiari gear reducers of the B series boast an extraordinary performance to lifespan ratio. Also featuring an impressive ratio of torque and weight, the B series consists of highly versatile gear units which have a long history of successful usage throughout a large number of different industrial and civil applications.

Every Spaggiari helical bevel unit in the B series is available with a casing made out of either cast iron or aluminium. The cast iron size ranges between 063 and 163, and the aluminium size ranges between A40 and A70. The B series products always offer great value for money and performance output.

Spaggiari Helical Gear Reducers – H Series

The helical gear reducers of the H series are specifically designed to provide extreme reliability even when operating in the harshest conditions. The products in the H series offer universal versatility and thus are suitable for many different applications, though especially those that require high radial loads.

As with the B series, the H series is also available with either a cast iron or aluminium casing. The cast iron models come in a range of sizes measuring between 030 to 140, with the aluminium casing models range between sizes A30 to A60.

If you require any Spaggiari geared motors such as the Spaggiari parallel shaft gearboxes the Spaggiari bevel helical parts  – then contact YB Components who are the UK’s leading Spaggiari suppliers.