Limiting machinery vibration

March 12, 2025

Sitex couplings, Sirem pumps, Spaggiari large belt-closed motor variators, Wrapflex couplings and Zurrer drivers, all industrial machinery is made up of a complex network of components that work together to generate an optimum result.

Whether you work in the textile industry, printing, quarrying, packaging, canning, mining, shipping, or just about any industry that requires the use of machinery, you are likely to come across noise and vibration in your day-to-day duties.

Reducing machinery chatter

Also known as ‘chatter’, machining vibrations are created by the movement between the item being worked on and the machinery working on the product. These vibrations can result in waves being generated on the machined surface.

In the early 20th century, Frederick Taylor, the American mechanical engineer, who took it upon himself to improve industrial efficiency, described machinery vibrations as the most “obscure and delicate” challenges that machinists were faced with.

As Cornelius Scheffer and Paresh Girdhar write it their book ‘Practical Machinery Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance’:

“Vibration amplitude is a measure of the severity of the defect of a machine. A common dilemma for vibration analysts is to determine whether the vibrations are acceptable to allow further operation of the machine in a safe manner.”

With the likes of variable speed belts, Tschan rollastic couplings, Enemac couplings and Desch clutches working alongside multiple key components and industrial parts, it is hardly surprising that when a tool comes into contact with another item, vibration is created.

However, there are certain steps the operator of the tool can take to help minimise the amount of vibration produced.

These precautions include:

.               Select a tool that will produce the least amount of vibration as possible

.               Rigidify the tool or piece of machinery so it is as secure as possible

.               Opt for frequencies that are likely to limit the severity of the vibrations on the machine system. Look at aspects such as relative positions, the number of teeth and spindle speed.

.               Modify dimensions, angles and surface treatment to try and get as little vibration being produced as possible

Industrial equipment and machinery that is faulty and not working at its optimum can lead to increased and unnecessary vibration being produced.

Having industrial component such as gearboxes regularly serviced will help keep them working at their optimum, thus limiting the amount of vibration being created.

YB Component’s UK customers can take advantage of our full gearbox inspection and report, which is free of charge. Simple send us your gearbox and we’ll carry out an inspection and send you a report.

If your gearbox needs repairing, we also offer a gearbox repair service. If new gears are required we will, if they are still available, source them from the original gearbox manufacturer.

All our gearbox repairs come with a full 12-month warranty, giving you peace of mind that your gearbox will be in great working order for at least 12 months.

So don’t delay get in touch with YB Components today and help limit that machinery ‘chatter’!