Advice for selecting the right coupling

February 10, 2025

How important is selecting the right coupling in influencing successful output of a machine? In short, choosing the right coupling for the task you are carrying out is vitally important. Depending on the application, more than one type of coupling may be suitable. One application may require the use of Jaure couplings or a Habix coupling, whilst another task may need Falk wrapflex couplings. Whatever job you have in hand, take a look at the following advice for selecting the right coupling.

Refrain from basing your choice on price rather than performance

Operating under tight budget margins means it can be tempting to base your choice of coupling on the price of the component. Prioritising the cost may however prove costlier in the long-term. Selecting a coupling merely because it is cheap could easily result in machinery not working at its optimum, ultimately affecting the quality of the product and the firm’s reputation.

Consider the size of coupling carefully

It is important that you choose the right size of coupling for the given application, as selecting a coupling that is either too big or too small will almost inevitably create problems. In order to choose the right size it is vital that you are familiar with the loads and forces the coupling will be open to.

To optimise the efficiency of the machine it is important to have accurate knowledge about the loads and forces the coupling will come up against.

Avoid using a coupling merely based on habit

Another mistake that can be made by engineers is to base their decision on couplings they have used in the past and are familiar with.

If, for example, you have been used to using Jauflex elastic couplings for an application and are satisfied with the performance of this coupling, it can be tempting to use this type of connecter for additional applications.

This may not however be the best way to proceed as not all couplings are produced equally and assuming one coupling may be suitable for different tasks and projects can lead to inferior application output.

Be aware of using underrated couplings

Hadeflex couplings, Falk steelflex couplings and Dinal gel couplings might all be quality and established couplings but if their torque rating is not sufficient for the application, the desired transmission will inevitably be compromised, as the coupling could easily become damaged.

Similarly, if a coupling that has a torque rating that is too high for the task in hand, it is likely that the coupling will be too big and bulky, which again will compromise the effectiveness of the machine.

As we wrote earlier this year, in order to give your gears a break, it is vital that you choose the right coupling.

YB Components have hundreds of couplings in stock that are suitable for myriad of applications and projects. Before you embark on your project, carefully consider what coupling you will be using to ensure maximum efficiency of machinery. Get in touch with YB Components and we will do our best to locate the coupling you require quickly and efficiently.