Give your gears a break by choosing the right coupling!

March 12, 2025

Crown toothed gear couplings, Desch couplings, Dinal gel couplings, Enmac couplings, Falk couplings, Falk wrapflex couplings, the list goes on and on. With such a vast array of couplings on the market, how do you know if you’ve chosen the right one? And how important is the right choice of coupling in determining successful machine operation?

Let’s begin by explaining what exactly couplings are.

A coupling is essentially a device that is used in a piece of equipment to connect two shafts together for the purpose of transmitting power. Generally speaking couplings do not enable disconnection of shafts during operation. There are however torque limiting couplings which can slip or disconnect when the torque limit is exceeded.

The principle aim of couplings is to connect two pieces of equipment that is rotating whilst enabling a degree of end movement, misalignment, or both.

Can couplings help reduce downtime and maintenance costs?

In a word yes.

Whether your equipment is being operated with Jaure couplings or a Hadeflex coupling, an Orpex coupling or Sitex fl couplings, by carefully selecting the right coupling, installing it correctly and maintaining the coupling, will ultimately help you make substantial savings in reduced maintenance costs and downtime.

It is important to note that your choice of coupling should not be based merely on price or habit. Not all couplings are created equal and you might find a Steelflex grid coupling affects the operational precision of a piece of machinery significantly different to a tcb barrel coupling.

Whilst it might be tempting to ‘cut costs’ by opting for a coupling based on price rather than performance, thus reducing upfront costs, a coupling that requires replacing in several months’ time or that doesn’t run a piece of equipment as efficiently as it should, will wreak havoc on bottom line and product reputation.

Picking the right size coupling

Is a Tschan s type coupling the same size as a Wrapflex coupling? It is important to choose a coupling that is the right size as picking one that is too small or too big for an application will cause problems every time.

Whether you require a Tschan posimin coupling, a Tschan nor-mex coupling, Trasco flexible couplings or Steelflex grid couplings YB Components have a large selection of couplings at our disposal. From small flexible couplings to large rigid couplings, we have hundreds of couplings in stock. In short, YB Components can find the right coupling for you.