100 Years of Zurrer Gears and Motors

March 11, 2025


This year sees the centenary anniversary of one of the most sought after producers of gearboxes and geared motors in Europe. Zurrer, or “Th. Zürrer AG” to give them their full name, is a family controlled stock company operating out of Stallikon-Zürich in Switzerland. They have a versatile range of products which are distributed in the United Kingdom by YB Components.


A Brief History of Zurrer Gearboxes and Zurrer Geared Motors


The original Zurrer company was first founded one hundred years ago in 1916. Back then they specialised in the manufacturer of motors and transformers, as well as model electric locomotives. In the aftermath of World War II, Zurrer began focusing on the manufacture of a variety of industrial gears and motors and began carving out a reputation as the leading manufacturer of high precision gears with minimal backlash.


Although they are most widely known for their speciality top of the range Zurrer worm gears with the low backlash feature, they also produce spur-bevel gears, planetary gears, AC and DC motors and servomotors, as well as an interesting range of Zurrer accessories and drivers.


Zurrer Worm Gears and Zurrer Drivers Are Used All Over the World


Thanks to Zurrer distributers such as YB Components, the company has been able to service a variety of industries in over twenty countries around the world. Their products such as Zurrer gearboxes are utilised in the manufacture of automatic assembly machines and all sorts of transportation equipment, and the Zurrer worm gears are a prime component in many machine tools, textile machines as well as being utilised in apparatus engineering and a wide range of test devices.


You will also find Zurrer drivers being used all over Europe in door drives and servo drives, while the packaging and printing industries along with a myriad of medical and safety technologies also make crucial use of Zurrer’s high precision gears and geared motors.


ATEX-Certified Zurrer Geared Motors


Zurrer’s range of high precision products also includes ATEX-certified gears, which represent two types of certification. First there is the ATEX 95 equipment directive (94/9/EC), which is for any equipment or protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Secondly, the ATEX 137 workplace directive (99/92/EC), which represents a series of minimum requirements, all intended to improve the health and safety of any workers who are potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres.


UK Distribution of Zurrer Products


YB Components are the UK’s distributor of Zurrer gears and motors, and can quickly and easily deliver Zurrer products such as MULTIHELIX worm gears and MASTERHELIX servo gears. Further Zurrer worm gear products available are the K-Range and E-Line, as well as Zurrer multi-stage worm gears and planetary gears. You can also rely on YB Components for fast delivery of AC and DC motors as well as Zurrer accessories and drivers.


All necessary calculations, maintenance instructions and lubricant recommendations can also be obtained through the UK’s premium supplier of industrial machinery products. With so many high quality products on Zurrer’s production line, let’s hope they keep going for another hundred years.

For all your industrial components requirements, get in touch with YB Components, specialists in industrial parts.