Industrial gearboxes, motors, couplings, clutches, ball bearings

International Shipping



ZD Motor and gearboxes are High Spec units that have been manufactured since 1998 with over 800 employees offering best quality products


YB Components are happy to supply ZD Gearbox range to UK customers which include…


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ZD Planetary Gearbox

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ZD Small AC gear motor


5b3fb5d9 27cc 48b6 880c a60800bbd8f3 300x246 1

ZD DC brushless gear motor


22624aa1 7680 4a85 8754 4fbdc172a294 300x246 1

ZD High Precision Planetary Gearbox


62469141 fc22 4f83 a213 770fff511557 300x246 1

ZD High Precision Planetary Gearbox


85cb2e82 a4f1 43a1 af1e a73cd950eb76 300x246 1

ZD AC Drum Motor


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ZD Electric forklift gear motor, Power assisted steering & Driving wheel gear motor


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ZD Automatic Door Motor & Sweeping Gear Motor

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ZD Controller