Tips for retaining the condition of industrial equipment

March 12, 2025

Sirem gearboxes, Spaggiari gearboxes, Sumitomo gearboxes and Worm gearboxes, whatever type of gearbox you use, it will require regular maintenance and some TLC to help keep it in top working order. This can be said about all types of industrial parts.

Whether you use machinery for the generation of an end product or merely as a side-line activity, every component in the machine requires some maintenance work to ensure it carries on working to its optimum.

From wrapflex couplings to variable speed belts, Tschan couplings to a Planix clutch, take a look at the following top tips for retaining the condition of industrial equipment.

Regular inspection checks

Carrying out regular inspection checks is essential to help maintain the life and value of all industrial parts. Regular check-ups should be included into the basic maintenance habits of machinery.

If your industrial gearbox needs inspecting and you are based in the UK, YB Components can give your gearbox a full inspection, free of charge. What’s more, any repair we might carry out on your gearbox will come with a 12 month warranty.

Give your machinery a trial run

Before a piece of machinery is used it should be given a trial run to ensure it is in good working order. Ideally the recommended trial run time should be mapped out with the guidelines of the machinery operations and maintenance.

Flushing gearboxes and bearing houses

Any overheating and machinery showing signs of wear may suggest it is time to give industrial gearboxes and bearing houses a flush.

Flushing involves the circulation of clean fluid in order to remove chemical and water contaminants. Flushing is particularly important in industrial gearboxes that are not fitted with a filtration system.

As Machinery Lubrication highlights, there are several different ways to approach flushing.

Power flushing – Involves suspending and transporting particles and releasing debris into a filter.

Wand flushing – Discharging debris at high pressure with a wand attached to a cart hose

Recirculation cleaning – Removing containments by recirculating clean fluid at a high velocity

Chemical cleaning – Using chemicals to dissolve inorganic components.

Solvent cleaning – Removing organic deposits through the use of solvents if they cannot be removed through recirculation.

Checking for signs of wear

As we wrote in an earlier blog, one way to help maintain the condition and life of industrial machinery is through checking signs of wear.

Seals should be regularly inspected to ensure they are in good condition and working at their optimum.

Use oil purifier

It is important that a lubricating oil purifier is integrated into the plant to make sure the oil used in the machinery is kept purified. Purified oil will ensure containments and debris entering the system are kept at a minimum.

For more tips and advice on every aspect of industrial components and equipment keep coming back to the YB Component’s blog which gets updated every week.