Timing Belts Maintenance Guide

March 12, 2025

An experienced timing belts supplier like Yorkshire’s YB Components will have knowledge of the various issues that reduce a timing belt’s service life. Here we apply that knowledge to help timing belt operators get the most out of their machinery parts.

Timing belts are destined to fail eventually from natural wear and tear due to the loss of teeth, but a good maintenance regime will maximise the lifespan of your timing belts. Yorkshire’s leading timing belts supplier has put together a checklist of potential problems that can be avoided, so here is a quick guide to timing belt maintenance.

Check Regularly for Misalignment

One of the main causes of early timing belt drive failure is misalignment. Symptoms of misalignment will show up as excessive or uneven tooth wear, while misalignment can also cause belt tracking issues and tensile failure.

Check and align your shafts and timing pulleys regularly to maximise the service life of your timing belts. Yorkshire’s YB Components can also recommend the ideal replacement belt when it is eventually time to replace it.

Beware of Excessive Loads

Excessive loads will cause the timing belt’s teeth to shear and become worn down much earlier than they should. Tensile failure is another negative consequence of excessive loads. Shock loads can also sometimes wear down the belt’s teeth faster than usual, though excessive loads are the usual culprit.

Maintain the Correct Belt Tension

An under-tensioned timing belt can cause tooth skipping, also known as ratcheting. Operating your application with an under-tensioned timing belt will cause unnecessary and uneven tooth wear, plus under-tensioning timing belts is one of the main causes of excessive drive noise.

Use a tension gauge to set the timing belts with the correct tension. As a timing belts supplier, Yorkshire-based YB Components can further advise you regarding the use of a tension gauge.

Maintain Pulleys to Protect Timing Belts

Timing pulleys that are damaged or worn will have a seriously negative effect on the service life of a timing belt. The timing belt’s teeth will be worn down much faster, while little nicks or gouges on the pulley can actually cut the belt.

Make sure to regularly inspect and replace any pulleys that show signs of wear and tear.

Clear Dirt and Debris from Pulleys and Drives

Dirt and debris in your pulleys and drives can cause multiple problems for your timing belts. Yorkshire’s leading timing belts supplier strongly recommends a regular cleaning schedule to ensure your pulleys and drives are clear of any debris that cause damage. For example, dirt on the teeth can scrape against the belt which allows oil to seep into the belt material and cause additional damage from within.

A stiff brush is ideal to clean off dust and dirt, and also make sure to wipe the pulleys and drives clean of any oil and grease residue.

If you require any timing belts, pulleys or drives, then contact YB Components who are the UK’s leading timing belts supplier in Yorkshire. We keep local stocks of all such parts and more ready to ship out fast and free all over the UK and the rest of the world.