Reasons to Buy Industrial Components Through YB Components

February 10, 2025


Many manufacturers of industrial machinery components make their products available through their own websites or physical premises, so why use a parts supplier like YB Components when you can go directly to the manufacturer themselves? Actually, there are a number of reasons why buying industrial parts such as gearboxes, motors, couplings and clutches through a specialist supplier is better than going directly to the manufacturer.

Firstly, most manufacturers are exactly that: manufacturers. Their primary concern is the design and manufacturing of their products. Some of them do have a perfunctory shop or delivery service, but it is usually an afterthought with the vast majority of their efforts going into the design and manufacturing processes. Gearboxes suppliers such as YB Components specialise in the transport of these components all over the world.

Assuming a particular item is still in production, it can be shipped quickly anywhere it is needed. This is also true of many parts which are in longer in production (while stocks last, of course).

Why Buying Parts Through a Specialist Supplier is Better

It is much easier for companies who require a variety of different industrial parts for their machinery to shop in one place that supplies all of the manufacturers together. Similar parts can be compared, checked for suitability, and ordered quickly and easily. While this might be reason enough for many company owners and parts buyers, allow us to provide a couple of other reasons why it is better to buy important machinery parts such as couplings through a specialist couplings supplier like YB Components.

Access to the Most Popular Industrial Parts

Rather than hopping back and forth between all the different manufacturers, you can peruse all the most popular parts and components on one website via the YB Components website’s easy to navigate system. The different types of parts have been organised into four sections:

On the main Products Page you can link directly to all the manufacturers of the particular parts within the displayed sub-sections as they are listed beneath the sub-section header. Within each sub-section itself you will find all the manufacturers of those parts listed again and linked on the side bar. As well as the most obvious products such as geared-motor units and the great variety of couplings and universal joints that are available, the Ancillary Products section includes many additional items such as anti-vibration mounts, conveyor chains, sensors, wear strips, tensioners and spring balancers.

Access to Specialist Components

As well as being able to ship the most popular parts as described above, YB Components also has access to specialist parts that can be difficult to source.

If you can’t find what your company needs in the main sections, it might be worth your while to peruse the Special Parts section of the YB Components website. Within it is listed a wide array of specialist parts that are difficult to source or are in minimum demand such as level controllers and switching amplifiers. There are also customisable parts such as the ConveyXonic belts which can be ordered with the buyer’s specified amount of ribs.

If you require industrial components such as couplings or geared-motor units, then contact YB Components who are the UK’s leading coupling distributors and gearboxes suppliers who can ship these parts all over the world.