Pujol Muntala Gearboxes

March 14, 2025


Pujol Transmissions have been manufacturing their high quality gearboxes for over a quarter of a century. They have developed an excellent range of Pujol products which suit a wide variety of applications. Here we take a look at just four of their gearbox designs and their specifications.

Pujol Geared Motors – V Series Variator

The V Series Variator is made with aluminium and cast iron speed Variator units. They are available with a bare shaft input and have the option of being either free standing or fitted with additional Pujol Muntala gearboxes or other IEC motors.

The specifications of these Pujol geared units consist of a variety of input and output flange options as well as shaft varieties fitting IEC motor frame sizes D63(B5), D71(B5), D80(B5), D90(B5), D100-112(B5) and D132(B5). The input power range of the V Series Variator runs from 0.12kW up to 9.2kW.

Pujol Gearboxes – TH Series

The Pujol Muntala gearbox range includes this multi-mount parallel shaft tandem gearbox made out of cast iron. As with the V Series Variator, it has the option of coming with a bare shaft input and there are a variety of other customisable options such as several different output flange sizes.

The TH Series includes multiple hollow or bare output shaft sizes ranging between 100mm and 180mm, with an input power range running from as low as 1kW up to 5290kW. The output speed range of these Pujol geared units is between 1.1rpm and 1200rpm.

Pujol Gearboxes – TK Series

The TK Series is similar in design and function to the TH Series, consisting of a cast iron multi-mounted gearbox, with the difference being that this TK Series features a right angle shaft tandem instead of a parallel one. It also has the option of coming with a bare shaft input and there are the same variety of other customisable options.

The hollow or bare output shaft sizes of the TK Series again range between 100mm and 180mm. The input power ranges between 1kW and 565kW while the output speed ranges between 1.1rpm and 268rpm.

Pujol Geared Units – KX Series

The KX Series of Pujol Muntala gearboxes are a cast iron multi-mount helical bevel design with optional flange mounting. As with the other models featured above, this KX Series is also available with a bare shaft input. The dry coupling feature also enables easy and clean fitting of additional IEC motors.

The hollow output shaft sizes range between 30mm and 90mm while the input power ranges between 0.09kW and 45kW. The output speed range goes from 3.9rpm up to 233rpm. There are also various output flanges available, while the unit comes supplied with oil filled up to and including size 502/503, although do note that the supplied gearbox breather must be fitted correctly.

If you require any Pujol Muntala gearboxes such as those featured above or any of their other models, then contact YB Components who are the UK’s leading Pujol products suppliers who can ship their parts all over the world.