Jaure Couplings manufacture one of the most prominent types of coupling across many industrial sectors in the form of their trademarked Lamidisc all steel coupling. This special coupling is one of the many innovative solutions that Jaure products aim to provide for a wide variety of sectors such as the metal working industries using steel, aluminium and copper. Jaure are also well known for producing components for machinery used in the paper and mineral industries, as well as designing and manufacturing specific parts for use with many different kinds of large cranes and hoisting machinery.
Jaure Couplings itself now operates under the umbrella of the Regal Beloit Corporation which is one of the largest electric motor manufacturers in the world. As recently as 2014, they placed in the early 700s of the Fortune 1000 list, boasting a worldwide employee total over 23,000 spread across all of their partners and acquisitions. Jaure Couplings are part of the Power Transmission Solutions division, when they develop close working relationships with other brands such Browning, McGill, Morse, and Kop- Flex, the latter of which combined directly with Jaure to create the Jauflex elastic coupling.
As we have discussed the Jauflex elastic coupling in more detail on this blog before, we’ll focus here instead on the patented Lamidisc all steel coupling; another of the most popular Jaure products.
Jaure Products: Lamidisc All Steel Coupling
Lamidisc all steel coupling discs are made of high-grade stainless steel (AISI-301). There will be more detail regarding this steel below, but for a quick explanation know that Jaure products guarantee an extremely high strength and an impressive resistance to fatigue. It’s worth noting that this resistance is also possible to attain in most environmental conditions. The Lamidisc all steel coupling can also be covered with a low friction coefficient coating which further enhances the Jaure product’s resistance to fretting wear and tear.
The Steel in the Lamidisc All Steel Coupling
Grade 301 steel is often manufactured and distributed in the form of long strips and wires, each bearing an impressive tensile yield strength of up to 1800 Mpa. This enables Grade 301 steel to produce tempers ranging between 1/16 Hard to Full Hard. Even when the Grade 301 steel is in 8/16 or exactly Half Hard conditions, the steel is capable of retaining sufficient ductility, which is when a solid material begins to stretch under tensile stress.
Lamidisc all steel couplings make use of disc packs with either six, eight or ten bolts, with each versions forming together to create the whole. Obviously much more torque can be achieved for transmission when a higher number of bolts is involved. However, if accuracy is more important than torque power then you would be best advised to seek fewer bolts as they are generally associated with encountering far fewer misalignment problems.
The Jaure Lamidisc all steel couplings can also be fitted with overload bushings which help prevent thee machinery from overload while also serving a secondary purpose as an anti-flail device.
If you require any Jaure products such as the Lamidisc all steel coupling or any other Jaure coupling products, then contact YB Components who are the UK’s leading Jaure couplings distributors and who can ship these parts all over the world.