Five ways to store machinery lubricants more efficiently

March 12, 2025

Lubrication is an essential feature of every piece of machinery. Proper lubrication will ensure machines run smoothly. It can help reduce excessive noise and reduce the wear and tear of components such as Sirem drums, Sitex st couplings, Trasco es zero backlash couplings and all the other vital parts modern machinery comprises of.

For machinery lubricants to work at their optimum it is vital they are stored efficiently. If you are concerned that your lubricants are not stored appropriately, take a look at the following five ways to store machinery lubricants more efficiently.

Build a well-equipped lube room

A well-equipped lube room will ensure oil and other essential machinery lubrication is stored efficiently so when it comes to using it, it will lubricate Steelflex grid couplings, Wrapflex couplings and other essential industrial components at it optimum.

A well-equipped lube room should comprise of:

.               Drum taps and faucets

.               Oil and grease transfer pumps

.               Portable equipment such as used oil-reclaiming systems and filter carts, lubrication carts, sump drainers and air-powered grease guns

.               Drum storage racks

.               Maintenance supplies including spare filters, grease fittings, wiping rags, lockers for storage and absorbent materials to control spills

.               Purification systems or reclaimers to recondition oils that have been used, solvent tanks for cleaning parts and soluble oil mixing equipment.

Avoid outdoor storage

The outdoor storage of lubricants for machinery should be avoided whenever possible. For environmental reasons it is important to store the product on a sealed surface, for example a hard-built flat slab. Storing drums in the lying down position also helps to prevent the ingress of pollutants or water.

Quality control

It is important that the quality control of lubricants are verified to ensure the lubricant is sufficiently clean. It is worthwhile to use an oil analysis to ensure your lubricants are up to standard. An oil analysis will reveal the lubricant has the right lubricant performance properties, thicker performance properties, additive quality and concentration and quality of base stocks.

Store for a limited amount of time

As James Fitch and Sabrin Gebarin write in their paper on the Best Practices in Bulk Lubricant Storage and Handling to help prevent the deterioration of lubricants, oils and grease should be stored for a limited amount of time. Your lubricant supplier should inform you of the period of time a lubricant can be stored for before it may begin to deteriorate.

Keep the lubricant storage room clean

And finally, it goes without saying, a lubricants storage room needs to be kept as clean and free of dust and debris as possible.

For more tips and advice on every element of industrial component maintenance, repairs and supplies, keep revisiting the YB Components’ blog